Current or Recent Honours & Independent Study Projects

Here is a selection of the Psychology Honours and Independent Study projects currently underway here at UNBC, or completed within the past year. For more information, talk to our Undergraduate Advisor, Dr. Annie Duchesne.

Emma Amyot - Honours

"The effects of context on emotional facial expression processing" - Using EEG and behavioural paradigms, we will observe how visual and semantic contextual cues impact participants' neural and behavioural responses to both intense and ambiguous emotional facial expressions.

Austin Derksen - Honours

“Investigating the role of perspective taking in the behavioural & emotional effects of mental simulation" - The current research project will investigate the implications of first-person and third-person perspective taking during the simulation of a future, novel cognitive task, and the efficacy of this mental simulation.

Taylor Foreman - Independent Study

"Assessing xenoestrogen exposure in Canadian women using standardized questionnaires" - This research project consists of establishing the most common xenoestrogens in North America, their route & frequency of exposure, and metabolization rate. This information will then serve as evidence for the development of questions used to assess xenoestrogen exposure. Finally, the questionnaire will be validated with xenoestrogen biomonitoring."

Meghan Galloway - Independent Study

“The role of novelty in the recruitment of learning strategies in young women” - My project will look at the role of task novelty in the recruitment of learning strategies in young women, specifically, the learning strategies involved in spatial navigation.

Kiranjot Jhajj - Honours

“The role of novelty in the recruitment of learning strategies in young women” - My project will look at the role of task novelty in the recruitment of learning strategies in young women, specifically, the learning strategies involved in probabilistic learning and exploitative and explorative strategies in decision-making.

Alex LePage - Honours

“Body representations in VR” - I am interested in the possibility that playing video games allows us to extend the representation of our body to include the body of the avatar in a video game setting. Additionally, I am interested in investigating how space and body in virtual reality are represented and how similar these representations are to those in a non-virtual environment.

Fatima Medina & Sahej Dhak - Independent Study

“Psychophysiology of vicarious responses” - This study hopes to clarify the human experience of empathy in response to others’ pain, by approximating empathy in response to videos of painful experiences via physiological responses, self-report measures, and behaviour.