Clinical Teaching Associates

Clinical teaching Associates (commonly referred to as CTAs) are individuals who receive special training to teach students how to approach sensitive physical exams. Sensitive exams include genitourinary and prostate exams and breast/chest and pelvic exams.

CTAs teach our learners how to approach the exams in a sensitive and professional manner. CTAs must be willing to be both the patient and the instructor, as they will undergo these exams while teaching the patient perspective.

While these sessions are overseen by a physician tutor, we empower our CTAs to be in control of their bodies and their student interactions at all times during the sessions.

What kind of skills must CTAs have?

CTAs must be able to meet their training requirements, participate in a supportive environment, and be able to help our medical students meet their learning objectives. Individuals who are chosen to become CTAs must have good communication skills and a high degree of professionalism. It is also important that they have all the necessary anatomy and that they are comfortable with their bodies.

How much and what type of training will I receive?

The amount of training varies depending on the individual CTAs needs and is not expected to participate in a session until they are feeling comfortable and prepared.

CTAs will receive training for identifying related anatomy, the use of medical terminology, inter-personal and professional communication skills, how to give safe and effective feedback to a learner and physical exam techniques.

How often are CTAs needed and is there remuneration?

CTA sessions are sporadic, occur during the weekday and can take place in both the fall and spring terms. It is essential that CTAs are reliable and have flexible schedules.

CTAs receive financial remuneration for both the training and participation in the exam sessions.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about becoming a Clinical Teaching Associate, please contact us.

Katherine Dewijn
Patient Program Supervisor