Submit a web request

Please complete the form below to submit a web support request for the UNBC website.

A ticket will be generated in our support system and our team will be in touch with you soon regarding your request.

Alternatively, you can email us at


What can we help you with today? *
Is your request urgent or time-sensitive?: *
File uploads
Please use Microsoft OneDrive to upload the files we will need to complete your request. Provide us with the link to the files above, ensuring that access to 'Anyone with the link' is enabled in the link settings.
People profiles
Are you updating, creating, or removing a profile?: - Optional
Are you submitting this form on behalf of someone else?: - Optional

Profile details

Profile type: - Optional
Add 'Dr.' prefix?: - Optional
(BSc, MSc, PhD)
On leave or sabbatical?: - Optional
Canada Research Chair: - Optional
Campus: - Optional
Social media:
Add social media: - Optional

Available to supervise graduate students: - Optional
Select whether you would like to be added to the list of graduate supervisors available to prospective graduate students.
Ex: PhD NRES; MA NRES Environmental Studies; MNRES
Include a concise list of comma-separated keywords or terms. This list will be searchable within the experts directory if you choose to be included.
Research fields: - Optional
Don't see your research field in the list above? Let us know here so we can add it to the list.
List of education and educational institutions attended
Upload C.V.
Please use Microsoft OneDrive to upload a C.V. file in PDF format. Provide us with the link to the file above, ensuring that access to 'Anyone with the link' is enabled in the link settings.
Upload profile photo
Experts directory
Media contact: - Optional
Often UNBC is approached by the media, Universities Canada, publications, and other organizations seeking experts in specific topic areas. Please specify if you are willing to act as a subject matter expert.
Web editor training
Web editor training request: - Optional
Assignment submission:

Please provide the URLs for the four web pages you created for your web editor training assignment.


Web editor training registration

This is self-paced, computer-based training that will give you all the tools you need to create and edit content on the UNBC website. You will learn how to use the UNBC Drupal environment by watching a series of videos and submitting an assignment at the end. After completing the training we will schedule a meeting with you to go over your assignment, discuss your goals for your web pages, and answer any questions you may have before granting you with access to edit the live  website.

Estimated time commitment: 3 to 5 hours

Please complete the fields below to register for web editor training.

You are: - Optional
Enter the username you use to log into a UNBC computer.
e.g. Psychology, Engineering, Academic Calendar, Northwest Campus, etc.