Economics Alumni Profiles

Cody Krause

Cody Krause, BA Economics (2010)

What are you doing now?

I am currently doing my Master’s Degree in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University. I am also employed as a junior economist at Goss Gilroy Inc. where I am monitoring an Asian Development Bank development program. In that role, I am required to analyze macro-economic indicators, time-series trends, and recommend additional indicators for future monitoring purposes.

How did your degree lead to this activity?

The UNBC Economic Department of Economics gave me, most importantly, a solid foundation in economic theory and the analytical skills to apply it to variety of issues. It was a combination of course depth and breadth offered by the program that contributed in this regard. Additionally, many of the courses also encouraged the development of my writing skills. The knowledge and skill set I received as a result of my time spent in the program equipped me with the necessary tools for both graduate school and the working world.

How do you use the knowledge acquired through the degree in your job and studies?

There are certain instances where I am required to apply specific economic theory. However, it is the analytical and critical thinking skills that typically prove to be the most useful. Economics is a very specific way of thinking. After a certain period of time, it moves you to perceive things in a particular way. Being able to apply this thought process is extremely useful. I have been analyzing the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund for the past year, which I would not be able to do without having key perspectives and critical thinking ability that I learned in the Department of Economics.

Any other comments related to your experiences at UNBC that you would like to share?

The professors at UNBC genuinely enjoy teaching and that really comes across. The professors are there to challenge your ability (as they should) but they always make themselves available to provide additional help. The dissemination of knowledge due to the smaller class sizes cannot be overstated. Typically, it is not until graduate school that students have the type of relationship with their professors that I enjoyed for the majority of my undergrad. After only a short period of time at a larger university, I realized that what the UNBC Department of Economics offers is truly unique.

Tara Bogh

Tara Bogh, BA Economics and Political Science (2008)

What are you doing now?

I graduated from UNBC in 2008 and since then I have been full time at Initiatives Prince George were I am the Senior Economic and Market Research Analyst. I started there as a first year co-op student and was able to come back periodically throughout my time at UNBC, then secured a full-time position when I graduated. Some of my major responsibilities include research and data collection, economic impact assessments, statistical analysis, and writing articles and reports. I also participate in workshops and present my research to various committees. I have a number of other responsibilities as well.

How did your degree lead to this activity?

Economics gives you a clear understanding of how the different components of society interact and the basis for how to analyze these relationships. I have been an economist my whole life but I just did not realize it until UNBC’s Department of Economics. While I was in the program I was able to benefit from being a part of the co-op opportunities that were offered. This allowed me to establish a link into the working world which contributed to my current position here at Initiatives PG.

How do you use the knowledge acquired through the degree in your job?

A lot of the different concepts and ideas that you become aware of through the different courses that you take in the program have real world applications. I do not think that there is anything in the program that you will not make use of. Even if it’s trends in the stock market for example, you are able to understand what is going on and you are able to make your own assessments and form your own opinions.

Any other comments related to your experiences at UNBC that you would like to share?

I really enjoyed my time at UNBC, it’s a great school. I found that the program and the professors really exposed the students to ideas that have real world transferability. It is a small program so you get the one on one interaction with students and professors, and form close relationships with faculty as they get to know you and you get to know them. It is a really supportive environment with many opportunities to explore and learn about different ideas and build on the skills and knowledge that you already have. It provides the base for building on that knowledge and continuing to grow, which creates many more opportunities once you have graduated. You do not have to be a statistician to get an economics degree; you can apply the knowledge to any job. Economics does not streamline you into a specific path; it streamlines you into the real world.