12th Annual Critical Geographies Mini-Conference at UNBC

UNBC Campus in the Fall
UNBC Campus in the Fall

We are very pleased to announce that the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) is hosting the 12th Annual Critical Geographies Mini-Conference (formerly known as the Cascadia Critical Geographies Mini-Conference).
The conference will be held on unceded Lheidli T'enneh (Dakelh) territory and will work towards inclusion of non-academic knowledges. We hope the unique geographies of Northern British Columbia will provide potential topics for scholarly work and excellent opportunities for non-academic knowledges and the arts to be engaged.
The event will take place on Saturday, September 23, 2017, with an evening of pre-events on September 22nd. Please mark your calendars now and start encouraging your grad students to attend. For geographers who haven’t ventured “up to” Northern British Columbia, this is your chance! Please note that travel to more northerly geographies can be expensive – early planning is encouraged. Travel to Prince George from Vancouver, for example, is approximately 9 hours by car and 1.5 hours via flights offered by both WestJet and Air Canada. Roundtrip tickets from Vancouver are often about $300 CDN though seat sales regularly bring the prices down.
Consistent with the long-standing goals of this conference, the emphasis is on creating a fun, engaging, and friendly atmosphere that embraces an unsettling of the “traditional” conference structure. We look forward to a wide range of spatially-oriented critical scholarship and encourage creative work on various themes from geography and other disciplines. There is no fee to attend the conference and graduate students are particularly encouraged to attend.
The conference website (including registration, abstract submission page, directions, and accommodation info.) will be “live” in July.
Finally, please share this announcement with interested colleagues, students, and friends.

Conference organizers: Sarah de Leeuw, Catherine Nolin, Gail Fondahl, Ethan McLean, and Paul Kingsbury

Contact Information

Dr. Sarah de Leeuw: sarah.deleeuw@unbc.ca