Dr. Catherine Nolin, New Chair of Geography

Dr. Catherine Nolin, Chair of Geography

Dr. Catherine Nolin is the new Chair of Geography at the University of Northern British Columbia.
Dr. Nolin first arrived at UNBC in 2001 as a SSHRC post-doctoral fellow and secured a tenure-track appointment with the Geography Program in 2002. Catherine was promoted to Associate Professor of Geography in 2008 and has received several teaching awards from UNBC, the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers and, most recently, the Canadian Association of Geographers. Since 2004, Dr. Nolin has organized and facilitated a field school to Guatemala every two years with Grahame Russell of Rights Action (and Adjunct Professor in Geography).
The Geography Program thanks Dr. Neil Hanlon for his dedicated service as Chair for the past six years and wish him well as he returns to his appointment as Professor of Geography.
Dr. Nolin's new office is located on the main floor of the New Lab Building 8-148.

Contact Information


Internet: http://www.unbc.ca/catherine-nolin
Email: catherine.nolin@unbc.ca
Phone: 250-960-5875