UNBC Geography Welcomes Dr. Joseph Shea to UNBC

Dr. Joseph Shea
Dr. Joseph Shea, Assistant Professor of Geography

The UNBC Geography Program is pleased to announce that Dr. Joe Shea has arrived to start his tenure-track appointment in Environmental Geomatics with the Geography Program.

Joe holds a PhD in Physical Geography from UBC and comes to UNBC from the Coldwater Lab in Canmore, Alberta (which is part of the Centre for Hydrology at the University of Saskatchewan) where he was a Research Scientist. Prior to Canmore, Joe was a Senior Glacier Hydrologist at the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu, Nepal (2012-2016) after two years at UNBC as a postdoctoral fellow working with Dr. Brian Menounos (2010-2012).

Dr. Shea's new office is in the New Lab Building 8-142.

Please drop by and welcome him.

Email: joseph.shea@unbc.ca

Internet: https://josephmichaelshea.wordpress.com/

Contact Information

Dr. Catherine Nolin, UNBC Geography (Chair)
Email: catherine.nolin@unbc.ca
Phone: 250-960-5875