North Peace Communities Commit to Northern Medical Programs Trust

October 22, 2004 for immediate release

Hudson's Hope, Taylor and Fort St. John, along with Areas B and C of the Peace River Regional District, are pledging to raise $547,680 for the Northern Medical Programs Trust (NMPT). The mayors, the Area B and C directors, and UNBC President Charles Jago all participated in the signing ceremony today. The commitment will be known as the North Peace Community Pledge and will support the education of physicians in the North.

Speaking on behalf of fellow municipal and regional leaders, Mayor Steve Thorlakson of Fort St John announced that "the Northern Medical Programs Trust is an extension of the vision that our communities embraced with the concept and birth of UNBC - we were there with support then, and we are there with support now. We proudly challenge our communities of Taylor, Hudson's Hope, Areas B and C of the Regional District and Fort St. John to build this endowment to ensure that Northerners recruit, train and teach our future generations of physicians - we will all benefit."

Ebe (Eberhard) Bauer, Director and Chair of the Board of North Peace Savings and Credit Union was also in attendance and launched the campaign with the following announcement: "North Peace Savings and Credit Union is committed to 'Community' and to encouraging and supporting our people in their community endeavors. Our members make the Credit Union 'choice' with the expectation the North Peace Credit Union will in turn make the 'Community' choice on their behalf with their needs and desires in mind. It is with this duty in mind that the directors of the North Peace Savings and Credit Union have committed $40,000 over the next four years to the Northern Medical Programs Trust."

The Northern Medical Program is a collaboration between UBC and UNBC to train physicians in the North for practice in northern and rural areas.

The NMPT is a partnership involving UNBC and the communities and citizens of northern BC. It is unique in Canada and demonstrates the importance of physician training to the region. The communities participating in the program will direct the use of funds raised in partnership with UNBC. The goal of the NMPT is to ensure that northerners and other students in the NMP, who wish to practice medicine here, are not financially disadvantaged from pursuing medical education. A stable and sufficient supply of physicians will have a significant impact on local health care, quality of life, long term community stability and economic development.

Communities are central to the success of the NMP. A total of 20 northern BC communities have pledged money to the Northern Medical Programs Trust. The financial goal of the NMPT is to establish an endowment of at least $6 million, with annual earnings used to assist NMP students with the extraordinary costs they will experience as part of the program. To date, northern BC communities have already raised over $1.1 million in donations and pledges.

For more information about the Northern Medical Program, log on to the web site at