UNBC Research Institute Conducts Survey Of Older Persons

September 15, 1999 For Immediate Release
People 55 years of age and older living throughout BC's Northern Interior will have a chance to comment on the quality of their lives by participating in a University of Northern British Columbia survey that will be conducted throughout the fall.

The survey is being conducted by the University's Institute for Social Research and Evaluation (ISRE) and was requested by local seniors as a way to contribute to understanding during the United Nations International Year of Older Persons.

"It's particularly appropriate to do this survey now," says ISRE director Alex Michalos. "It's predicted the population of Canadian communities will continue to age into the next century and this survey will provide local information to respond to the needs and quality of life issues of older adults living in this region."

The survey will:

  • Improve understanding of older residents' views about their quality of life.
  • Improve understanding of older residents' knowledge, concerns, and opinions on the issues affecting their lives.
  • Provide information to help community and government organizations provide better services to older adults.

The survey includes questions on seniors' housing, legal issues, health, social activities, care-giving issues, crime and personal safety, human rights, quality of life, age identity, and public transit. The surveys are being distributed through the Seniors' Side Newspaper and seniors' centres. They will also be mailed to prospective survey participants.

The results of the survey will be available in December.