2018 Northern Medical Program Graduate - Dr. Christine Kennedy

Name: Christine Kennedy

Dr. Christine Kennedy

Hometown: Prince George, BC

What attracted you to your field?
During Psychiatry rotations I discovered the field uniquely aligns my passions, especially working with marginalized populations. Psychiatry preceptors were passionate and demonstrated a commitment to both personal and professional growth, along with service to their patients. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn here in Prince George and strive to be of service to the North.

In 10 years, what UBC or NMP moment will you still be talking about?
I feel third year was the most incredible year because many of us are experiencing these amazing things for the first time in our lives. I will always remember the first time I delivered a baby – it was, of course, the middle of the night. I can still picture the moment, and the look on the Mom and Dad’s face meeting their baby… such a beautiful experience!

What’s next for you?
My fiancé and I are looking forward to our trip to Mexico, camping this summer, and then I am extremely excited to continue learning all I can from the psychiatrists here in the North and throughout B.C.

As you look ahead, what (or who) inspires you?
As I look ahead I am reminded of those who were so integral to the journey thus far. I continue to be inspired by my family, mentors, and perhaps most importantly, patients. Patients have taught me about humanity, inspired me to grow as a physician and human being, and reminded me of the privilege we have to be of service in this medical profession.

Name one thing on your bucket list.
My best friends and I were in Bali last summer. We thought we would try surfing “actual waves”, and ultimately almost drowned in Canggu. It was terrifyingly humbling, but now learning how to surf is (back?) on my bucket list.