2022 Healthcare Travelling Roadshow - Apply Now!

Roadshow in action

The Healthcare Travelling Roadshow is seeking healthcare students and recent graduates to help recruit the next generation of rural healthcare professionals. 

Travel with a multidisciplinary group of healthcare students and graduates to showcase career opportunities to rural high school students, and explore rural BC and engage with local community stakeholders and healthcare professionals. 

Join us for one of three exciting roadshow trips in 2022: 

  • May 1 - 7:  Okanagan Roadshow (Summerland, Oliver, Osoyoos) 
  • May 1 - 7:  Bulkley Nechako Roadshow (Hazelton, Houston, Francois Lake, Grassy Plains, Burns Lake, Fraser Lake)
  • May 15 - 21:  Peace River Roadshow (Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Tumbler Ridge)

Apply online   Application deadline is March 1, 2022.

All travel, accommodation, and meal expenses are covered. Interprofessional Education Passport credits also available.

The Healthcare Travelling Roadshow was conceived as a grass roots initiative to address rural healthcare workforce shortages. The provincial initiative has grown to include several regional trips. Since its inception in 2010, the roadshow has connected with more than 10,500 high school students in 56 communities throughout BC. 

The Healthcare Travelling Roadshow is delivered in partnership with the University of Northern British Columbia, UBC Faculty of Medicine, Northern Medical Programs Trust, Interior Health and the Rural Education Action Plan. 

For more info, visit the Northern Medical Program's Roadshow website, or contact Sonya Kruger, NMP Communications Officer at sonya.kruger@unbc.ca or 250-960-5122.