Historical Research

1) Assessing Marine-Derived Nutrient and Contaminant Delivery to Quesnel Lake via Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

Bob Carlson (University of Georgia)

Under the guidance of Dr. Aaron Fisk and Dr. James Peterson of the University of Georgia, USA, I am assessing the delivery of nutrients and contaminants to Quesnel Lake via sockeye salmon for my undergraduate thesis. With the help of the Quesnel River Research Centre (QRRC) staff and the Canadian government, I was permitted to sample in the fall of 2005. The knowledge the QRRC staff possess pertaining to the catchment area was an intricate part in making my study a success. In this pilot study, I sampled sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni), burbot (Lota Lota), and forage fishes.

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

2) Age and Tectonic Setting of the Quesnel Lake Gnesiss East-Central British Columbia

Filippo Ferri, Trygve Höy and Richard M. Friedman

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

3) Metamorphism and Structure of Penfold Creek Area, near Quesnel Lake, British Columbia

C.J.N Fletcher and HJ Greenwood (University of British Columbia)

The Quesnel Lake area lies within the Omineca Crystalline Belt, and is underlain by the northern extremity of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex. Closely spaced and steeply dipping isograds mark the margins of the metamorphic belt. In the Penfold Creek area only one and one-half miles separate the biotite and sillimanite isograds. Related to this sharp increase in metamorphic grade there is a marked change in the fold style. In the chlorite zone are similar folds, showing a strong axial-plane cleavage, and tight refolded isoclines dominate in the sillimanite zone. Three periods of deformation and two periods of prograde metamorphism have been recognized, with the first metamorphic period being associated with Phase 2 deformation and the second being post-Phase 2.

For more information, link to full text. 

4) Sockeye fry, smolt, and nursery lake monitoring of Quesnel and Shuswap lakes in 2004.

Hume, Jeremy, Ken Shortreed, and Timber Whitehouse

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

5) Geology of the Cantin Creek Area Quesnel River  

J. Lu(Visiting Scholar, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, China) 

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

6) Carbonatization and propylitic alteration of fragmental basaltic rocks, Quesnel River gold deposit, Central British Columbia

Melling DR, D. H. Watkinson, P. E. Fox and R. S. Cameron

For more information, link to full text 

7) Alteration of Fragmental Basaltic Rocks: The Quesnel River Gold Deposit, Central British Columbia

Melling, DR and David H. Watkinson

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

8) Mountain Caribou Greenwash: A critique of the BC Government’s Plan to Protect the Endangered Mountain Caribou

Valhalla Wilderness Watch

For more information, link to full text

9) The Effect of Mountain Pine Beetle Attack and Salvage Harvesting On Streamflows

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

10) Mountain Pine Beetle: Salmon are suffering too

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

11)  Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation: Hydrological Impacts

For more information, link to full text (PDF)

12) Mountain Pine Beetle and Threats to Salmon

For more information, link to web page

13) Deformational history, stratigraphic correlations and geochemistry of eastern Quesnel terrane rocks in the Crooked Lake area, east central British Columbia, Canada

Bloodgood, Mary Anne (UBC MSc Program Geological Science)

For more information, link to abstract